How can we curb Climate Change?

The world is currently on average 1.1C warner than pre-industrial times, millions are suffering from the severe effects of our changing climate. But what are some of the main actions we can take to collectively fight Climate Change?

  • Reduce Fossil Fuel burning

The burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil releases CO2 into the atmosphere raising global temperatures.  It is a serious issue which must be tackled at a government level is temperatures rises are to be limited to the 1.5c target.

It's an issue which has to be tackled at government level if temperature rises are to be limited to 1.5C - the level considered the gateway to dangerous climate change.

However, many major coal-dependent countries - such as Australia, the US, China and India - have declined to sign a deal at the summit aimed at phasing out the energy source in the coming decades.

  • Switching to Renewable Energy

Electricity and heat generation make a greater contribution to global emissions than any other economic sector.

Making the switch to an energy system which relies on clean technology as opposed to fossil fuels will be crucial for meeting the climate goals set at COP26. Currently wind and solar power will need to dominate the energy sector by 2050 if countries are to deliver on proposed net-zero targets.

  • Make the switch to electric vehicles

Making the switch from petrol and diesel vehicles will be crucial in cutting our emissions.  Lorries, buses and even aircraft will need to make the shift to renewable energy in order for us to work towards net-zero emissions.  Scientists have begun working on cleaner fuel for aircraft however protestors have said this wont be enough and people must reduce the number of flights they're taking to chop emission output.

  • Plant more tree's

If we are to keep the global temperature rise below 1.5c we need to remove CO2 from the air.

Forests are excellent at soaking CO2 up from the atmosphere. This is one of the reasons why we reduce the rates of deforestation across the world.  When countries have reduced their emission output as much possible, forests will be crucial in taking a further percentage of the carbon by absorbing the emissions improving their chances of reaching net-zero.

There is multiple actions that must be taken in order for us to achieve the ambitious goals set out during COP26, regardless of your business sector we must come together now and change our ways in order for us to reduce our emissions output so we can live in a net-zero society.


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