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A case study on Kettering General Hospital by Cawleys

We are very pleased to publish a new case study describing our work for Kettering General Hospital (KGH).

KGH is one of two District General Hospitals serving Northamptonshire and neighbouring communities including Leicestershire, Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire. Almost 3,700 people work in the hospital, and it cares for over 371,000 patients a year.

Cawleys began work for KGH in October 2014 and since then has reduced the amount of waste which the hospital sends to landfill to zero, and has significantly increased the proportion of waste which is recycled and sent to second life uses. Sustainability Manager, Robin Packman, wishes to see KGH become a case study for environment best practice in the hospital sector, and through Cawleys, this vision is gradually being translated into reality.

Please click here to read the complete case study.