Looking for a competitive quote for waste collection services?

At this time of year we receive a huge number of calls from businesses looking for a competitive quote for their waste collection service, and questions about why the cost of their waste collection service has gone up.  This is because on April 1st landfill tax is increased again.

Highly regulated market

The waste management market is highly regulated, driven by the government which is incentivising us to stop us sending any of our waste materials to landfill. Just this week a headline in the trade publication Materials Recycling Weekly (MRW) claims that even the current high landfill tax might not be enough: “EU-wide landfill ban suggested by top official”. It is all about preserving resources, something we appreciate and understand entirely.

But ensuring nothing is sent to landfill and that the maximum possible volume of waste is recycled is costly too.  The technology to segregate, sort, and then ship resources for recycling all requires an investment in time and money. Some technologies such as Anaerobic Digestion (AD), which enables us to recycle food waste and harness methane as a by-product, has taken years of scientific and manufacturing research and development. Building the AD plant itself is also a multi million pound investment.

Materials Recycling Facilities

Materials Recycling Facilities (MRF) are also multi million pound investments in plant and machinery and these have transformed the ability of businesses to segregate industrial quantities of waste with great efficiency. Our own MRF here in Luton achieves one of the highest recycling rates in the country,  recycling 75 per cent of construction waste for example, but even here government legislation has increased operating costs.

A new tax on ‘trommel fines’ was introduced where the very fine residual remains, which are left after material is passed through a trommel, are taxed. (You can see a picture of MD Job Cawley standing in our trommel here, to give you an idea of what one looks like, it is in basic terms a giant centrifugal tunnel.)  To identify the level of tax on the fines it has to be tested, in a process where a sample of fines material is sent to a laboratory, dried of its moisture content, then weighed and heated in an ‘ashing chamber’. All these activities have additional costs, which affect our whole industry.

Delivering customer benefits

There are however many benefits from our investment in recycling technology which we pass on to our customers.  By working with Cawleys, the new TEEP requirements need not be so onerous for you, for example. You can read more about what TEEP means in this earlier blog post.

By using our own Materials Recycling Facility (MRF,) including the trommel technology, to segregate your waste you may not have to manage it all at your own site, where a shortage of space or staff resources can make this hard to deliver.

We are proud of the service we provide to all our customers, and our innovation and quality in waste management has been recognised with many awards, including the Waitrose Treading Lightly Award for best practice in waste management. In a highly regulated market it is essential that we meet stringent requirements, to give you peace of mind. It allows your business to operate to the best of its ability without worrying about how your waste is being managed and whether it is meeting legal requirements.

Call 0845 260 2000

So if you are looking for a competitive quote for waste management services and want to work with the best, please call us on 0845 260 2000 and a member of staff will be pleased to discuss your options.


Cawleys Values


Food recycling - three good reasons to prevent food waste