Resources & Compliance


 Health & Safety

At Cawleys, the Board of Directors are committed to ensuring the highest level of Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management. We want to ensure that all our staff, our customers and members of the public who could be affected by our work activities are protected.


With so many different aspects to environmental legislation, it can often seem daunting.

There are national recycling targets for UK plc, European Directives, voluntary codes and protocols, increasing tax on sending waste to landfill – a complex variety. It pays to have an expert on your side.

At Cawleys we can advise on the key issues affecting your sector and help you understand the environmental issues for your business. We can help you register with the various regulatory bodies, and also show you where you may be exempt from certain requirements. You can offload the job quickly and confidently.

We advise you of any changes in legislation, and make sure that you have to fill out as little paperwork as possible.