What does TEEP Waste Legislation mean?

We understand and appreciate that for smaller businesses it can be hard to keep up with changes in the latest environmental legislation. Your priority will be actually running the business. Cash flow, sales and staff issues are probably top priorities, well ahead of 'how do I know if my waste management is compliant with the new TEEP legislation?'

We look after the waste for a huge range of businesses from local shops, pubs and offices in Luton, Milton Keynes and the surrounding area, to large organisations such as airports, shopping centres, or manufacturers with a national footprint.  Larger organisations tend to have a facilities manager or environmental officer with specific responsibility for waste management, who will be completely abreast of new legislation which might affect their organisation.

If you are a small business, here are our pointers to help you understand and check if you are TEEP compliant.

1. What does TEEP stand for?

Technically, Environmentally and Economically Practicable: “Where necessary... to facilitate or improve recovery, waste shall be collected separately if technically, environmentally and economically practicable and shall not be mixed with other waste or other material with different properties.”

2. What does it mean?

It means you need to check whether you should segregate and store different types of waste produced at your site before it is collected by your waste management contractor.

3. Is it a new law and does it apply to me?

Yes it is part of the new legislation from The EU Waste Framework Directive  which came into affect from January 1st 2015 and yes it affects you because it applies to  commercial (businesses) and municipal (household) waste.

The waste producer (you) is obligated to ensure that their waste is managed appropriately; you can seek guidance from a third party (us) but cannot pass on the responsibility to anybody else.

4. What sort of waste does TEEP relate to?

The four key waste materials paper, metal, plastic and glass have been explicitly named as requiring as separate fractions.

5. What do I have to do?

You will need to collect waste separately if

i. There is an added positive environmental benefit or a reduced negative environmental impact versus collecting non-separated waste, AND

ii. The financial cost of collecting separated fractions is comparable to or better than collecting non-separated waste AND

iii. It is technically practicable to do so using a system that is proven to function.

If this sounds confusing, don't worry, your waste management supplier should be able to help you, so the best advice is our fifth point below:

6. Ask your waste management supplier for advice.  We offer a free waste management audit here at Cawleys.

When you contact your waste management supplier make sure you cover these three points:

i. The costs of different options available to you.

ii.. The practicalities at your site.

iii.  How your waste management supplier manages the waste streams they collect.

You could also check out the guidance provided by WRAP who have produced a waste route map overview.

7. Will  I have to collect my waste separately?

It varies on a case by case basis, but at Cawleys we have a state of the art Material Recycling Facility (MRF) so that we can separate waste streams efficiently on your behalf.  By working with us, if you are a small business you may not need to separate waste on your own site.  We will always be happy to conduct a free waste audit to help you identify the correct approach, bearing in mind the practicalities at your site, and the cost of different waste collection options.

8. Is Cawleys TEEP compliant?

Yes.  We were the first company in the UK to establish a separate, commercial food collection service and also have our own Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) so we understand better than most the importance and benefits of separating different waste streams. We are highly experienced in providing a reliable, cost effective waste management service which is TEEP compliant,  for businesses of every different type and size.

Call our sales team on 0845 260 2000 or email sales@cawleys.co.uk where a member of staff  will be pleased to answer any questions you may have about TEEP waste legislation or any other aspects of waste management.


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