Awesome Autumn Collections

As the leaves turn brown, weather temperatures drop and the nights draw in, it’s a sure sign that winter is on its way. During the Autumn season, darker nights and shorter days mean that lighting can become an issue for many industries.

In the world of waste management, the shift from British Summertime to Greenwich Meantime can have a real impact. As with all waste companies, a significant proportion of our collections take place whilst most of the country is still warmly tucked up in bed.

Early starts for our drivers usually begin at around 4am. Getting on the road at this early hour is vital for our collection vehicles. Traffic is minimal and more collections can be achieved in a shorter time period, allowing us to provide the best possible service. However, when autumn arrives our drivers’ early bird collections become a little more challenging and health and safety precautions are more vital than ever.

The lack of light in certain areas could considerably hinder waste collection efficiency. Poorly lit access roads and dark waste storage areas not only make it more difficult to access and collect bins, it could also pose problems with tipping. At Cawleys, we provide head torches to our crews to allow them to check the area is safe and ensure they can clearly see what they are doing. We also require our teams to attend toolbox talks which brief them on potential safety hazards and ensure they consider the additional risks associated with slips, trips and falls that may occur due to fallen leaves, ice etc.

We’d also likely to work closely with our clients at this time and ask you to be mindful of the challenges we face. It is our priority to continue to deliver a high level of service throughout the winter and autumn period and we would appreciate our customers considering any small changes that could support our crews. For example, checking bin sheds to ensure security lights are installed and working would be greatly appreciated.

As well as lighting issues, the onset of autumn and winter can also pose considerable weather challenges. Steep hills and narrow roads can be made more treacherous if they are not kept clear of snow and ice if the weather turns particularly bad.

We pride ourselves on working closely with our clients to ensure a top-notch collection service. By working together to keep access areas clear and light, we can ensure that all collections go ahead unhindered. Ultimately, if our clients have any issues with lighting or weather conditions affecting access, we’d be extremely grateful for notification so that any issues can be worked up to a mutually agreeable solution.


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