New exit routes for our RDF

The acronym RDF refers to ‘refuse derived fuel’ and at Cawleys our focus on sustainable waste management means that RDF plays and important role in helping us dispose of excess waste that isn’t suitable for recycling. Historically our RDF exit routes have been focused on markets in Northern Europe, however, various developments have led us to review this strategy.

Major technical disruption

In recent months a significant issue with a major power generation plant in Holland has meant that the Netherlands aren’t able to process the volume of RDF arriving at its shores. Indeed, the issue even resulted in involvement from the Dutch government, who have intervened and placed restrictions on RDF imports from other nations until the situation is resolved.

Basic economics

This scenario has had a natural impact on the RDF market causing an oversupply in Northern Europe and a vacuum in the market. RDF producers have been left with excess materials that need a viable exit route.

Supporting RDF in the UK

At Cawleys, we were quick to investigate alternative avenues for our RDF and with ethical issues top of mind, our first focus was to concentrate on the UK outlets and powerplants that might have capacity to absorb our materials. After some intensive research and negotiation, we are delighted to report that we have sourced a homegrown exit route in London, the West Midlands, and the North East. Although this will mean more road miles than sea miles for RDF delivery, we believe it is important to support businesses here in the UK and promote an increased focus on sustainable methods of generating energy and fuel here in the UK.

This switch to a UK based outlet will provide a more secure exit route that won’t be subject to the export challenges that may arise as a result of any final Brexit decision.

If you would like to discover more about how RDF works read our Energise your waste blog post.





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