Introducing our new hazardous expert

At Cawleys we have long been proud of our cutting-edge hazardous waste service. From toxic liquids and animal waste, to oils and lithium batteries, we offer a bespoke service for clients who need a more specialist approach to the waste they produce.

What is hazardous waste?

Hazardous waste is defined as anything that has the potential to be harmful to people or the environment. The list of items classed as hazardous is extremely far reaching and it isn’t always easy to tell which items and substances are, and are not, in the classification. Indeed, in a growing number of circumstances substances and liquids may have been stored for some time or without labels in which case a series of tests may be required to actually identify what the items are.

There are many waste substances and by-products that have the potential to be dangerous for a variety of reasons and there are many instances in which information and advice from an expert is vital.

Hazardous expertise

As Cawleys first ever Technical Account Manager Jon Hayns has 25 years’ experience in dealing with hazardous waste and the multitude of scenarios presented by customers.

For many organisations, the technical support offered by Jon is valuable in providing assurance and understanding of their waste and the requirements placed on them by the relevant regulations. As a hugely experienced hazpack chemist and account manager Jon’s role sees him visit clients’ sites and provide advice and information wherever it is needed. This ensures that hazardous waste is identified correctly, safely stored on site and compliantly removed.

Book an onsite hazardous waste audit today

 This hazpack provision is a totally new service for Cawleys and solves a multitude of clients’ requirements. Every case ranges in complexity and in many instances, clients will be faced with tricky scenarios and real barriers to the safe removal of the waste in question. This is where Jon can step in and provide a solution to even the most difficult situations.

Services include:

  • On site identification, segregation and packing of small volume items to facilitate safe transport of chemical waste to include lab smalls

  • Identification of materials that have lost their identity generally due to their longevity on site to include sampling should simple tests fail to provide sufficient detail

  • Identification of containers that are damaged or no longer capable of carrying waste on the public highway

  • Identify and propose ongoing systems (descriptions / containers / segregation) that will provide robust on-site management of hazardous waste that can reduce the frequency of service and reduce costs.

  • Provide specialist chemical repacking operations and other services (subject to agreed RAMS)

  • Organising the identification, classification and containerisation of legacy waste to facilitate removal

  • Site closures and complex requirements

If your organisation requires any form of hazardous waste identification, removal or storage get in touch for a FREE audit today.


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